A review by itsreadingangel_
Black Candle Women by Diane Marie Brown


I liked this book and gave it 3.5 stars. Granted, I am more of a romantasy, romance and thriller kind of reader so this book was a little outside of what I normally read. I chose this book because pf the beautiful cover and description.

That being said, I did enjoy the POVs from the different generations and how each of their thought processes lead to their actions. Being closer to Nickie’s age, I often sympathized with her and felt frustrated that the older women in her life never told her about the curse or their family history. Victoria often got on my nerves, her actions in my opinion a lot worse than Augusta sabotaging her daughter’s life up until the end of the book. I get she thought she was doing the right thing and was trying to protect Nickie but I didn’t like the way she handled things.

The looming threat of the curse made tensions high throughout the book and kept me guessing if there really was still a curse or just a coincidence for all the men in their lives.

Overall, it was a good book.