A review by alertzombie
Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali


4.5 stars yes. Right, so yeah umm this book exists and yes it made me feel a certain way. throughout the last third of this book, my heart was in my throat because i was going through too many emotions all at once.

O and also the romance, i liked it not going to lie. i don't really enjoy romance all that much but i liked the slow burn? kind of? i mean it wasn't really the main focus of the story. I liked how the main focus was Janna and her relationships with the people around her. I also really liked her brother Muhammad's character. Honestly i liked all characters except for the Monster obv and the Pringles lul.

A quote that made me laugh eventhough it probably shouldn't have? or maybe it was supposed to be funny, welp who knows.
 “Look at that. I can’t believe they let the only two girls in school without any booty into this class.” 

There was a point in this book where i was like yes yes yes this what i think anytime i hear about someone who memorized the Quran

“So you memorized a book, but you don’t know what it says?” Mr. Khoury sounds incredulous. “A book you say God sent?” 

“So this gold guy here who memorized what he doesn’t understand, what is the big deal? You agree or don’t?” 

Overall, i really enjoyed this book. it was a nice experience. i wasn't completely satisfied with the ending, it felt very rushed, quite literally. The author wrapped it up in like 2 pages...

I've also noticed a pattern of sorts? with this author, as was the case in [b:Love From A to Z|40148146|Love From A to Z|S.K. Ali|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1545943011l/40148146._SY75_.jpg|62283756] the female protagonist had anger issues? was harsh? rude? idk how to exactly describe her but both Zayneb and Janna felt very similar except Zayneb was older. Not saying that is a bad thing, just something intersting y'know?