A review by squinderella
Some Kind of Animal by Mar Romasco-Moore


After Jo’s forest-raised twin sister attacks a boy, everything in Jo’s life changes. She is thrown into having to make a decision that no one, let alone a 15-year old, should have to make: reveal her secret sister to the world or take the heat for the attack.

I found that I was unable to connect with the characters. So many times I felt like I understood Jo, then she would do something so odd that I’d just think, ‘nope, guess not!’

This book is very different than anything else I have read. I found it enjoyable but it dragged at times. In multiple places I kept wondering where the story could go from here and thinking the author had written herself into a corner, but there was a way out each time!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC to me in exchange for an honest review.