A review by lilyn_g
Queen of No Tomorrows by Matt Maxwell


‘Queen of No Tomorrows’ is set in 80’s Los Angeles. It instantly brings to mind a bit of nostalgia for the ridiculous movies from that era. However, it’s pretty quick that you forget the era and just get caught up in the story itself. The main character herself, Cait MacReady (nice The Thing nod) helps there. She feels like a character you could plunk in any setting. I liked that Matt Maxwell didn’t paint her as a damsel in distress, but a savvy crook who knew what she needed to do to get ahead. He also did a good job in giving us a setting that felt a little grungier, and a little more foreign than a lot of the Lovecraft-themed novels we’ve read lately.

One of my favorite parts of this book was the idea behind the Smoking Codex itself. I think we have all toyed with the idea that our creations come from ‘elsewhere’. When an idea worms into your brain that you just can’t ignore, maybe it is someone or something from the other side reaching through. Trying to bleed through. (This is why I like the The New Nightmare so much. The idea of evil bleeding through our subconscious until it can break into our reality.)

It will also force you to pull out your Spanish dictionary app if you’re anything like me and need to know exactly what is being said in certain parts. Kudos to Maxwell for not keeping it all English just to make some of us feel more comfortable.

‘Queen of No Tomorrows’ is an action-packed novella that is a swift, enjoyable read. Recommended for those who like urban fantasy edged with horror. A love of tentacles will up the experience of reading this book as well.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review consideration.