A review by alittlebitbooked
Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match by Sally Thorne


Okay, I had HIGH hopes for this one as the premise sounded cool and after reading The Hating Game & Second First Impressions by Sally, I instantly requested this one from @hachette (thank you by the way!)

Unfortunately, not all books are for all readers. This one was definitely not for me.
It took me almost a week to get through and it was a struggle not to skim pages.
I thought I could see past the whole ‘putting together dead mens body parts to create the perfect man’. I truely did.
I’ve read some crazy stuff a lot weirder than that, so I was super open minded about it all but I could not shake it with this one. The whole first chapter being set in the morgue and the discussions about how big a dead man’s *manhood* was or was not set me up for the ick and I started the read a little confused.

Then the science of it all came around and BOOM! More confusion.
Than the Insta love aspect…
The humour…
The introduction of more love interests…
The fact it was just all kinda boring…. To me.

And then the end.
Ah finally, some redemption perhaps with the whole ‘discovery’ of a certain someone’s past life. But even that was a little odd.

Anyway, no hate on someone’s craft.
I think this read would appeal to some readers and I guarantee some may love it for all its quirks and everything in between.

It does have a ‘Halloween’ feel and I think some folks will eat it up.
But not me - sorry!

Star rating? Well I didn’t DNF, I was interested enough to keep reading so I had to at least give it a ⭐️⭐️/5.