A review by storyonlystory
David Foster Wallace's Footnotes F'd Me in the Butt by Mandy De Sandra


I'm here to give five-star reviews on Goodreads that will work out to be 1% of all reviews on Goodreads. Don't worry because I destroyed the 3D printer, right after Jeff Bezos was abducted by aliens, which is how I've trapped the following in my basement: one Gnostic god; a reptilian person; a snake person; an assortment of glittery, gay zombies; a well-worn copy of Infinite Jest (might have some c*m sticking the pages together in the footnotes) that has come alive and is now demanding that I find you. You are the only one who can save humanity, clearly, because you're the only one writing about this shit. That's according to my sticky Infinite Jest. It can't speak very well because of the c*m but I think I understand.

Mandy De Sandra, will you save us?

This job will involve some anal sex, just so you know.

Eager to hear from you.