A review by erynnotfar
The Inheritance Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin


Outsider perspective to show a different side of things than what the main characters see is one of my favorite devices in writing. However, it can be hard to write in it for extended periods of time and stay relevant to the plot. What makes The Inheritance Trilogy so exceptional is that every character who serves as a narrator serves as both an inside and outside perspective in different books. The perspective character changes every book, and the story flowed better than I could have ever imagined because of that, not in spite of that. Some books stand out for their details. This series stands out for the grand scope that Jemisin is able to capture (and for the details that she uses to do it). There were some things that, looking back, were clearly foreshadowing for major plot twists, but were confusing at the time, so I think this will be one of those works that is better on the second reading so those can be appreciated more knowing what they lead to.