A review by lnzlou55
Animal Attraction by Maisey Yates, Lori Foster, Heidi Betts, Jules Bennett


The worst thing about this book was that Lori Fosters story was so short! I love the Buckhorn series and Shohn's story was such a nice little addition. I loved that Nadine didn't just give into Shohn right away and made him work for it a bit. Pretty much any of the scenes with Shohn and Louie we ridiculously cute. The two of them together were so funny. It was also nice getting to see some of the previous characters and their children. I'm hoping that this isn't the end of this series because I don't think I could ever get tired of the Buckhorns.

Imagine Me and You by Maisey Yates was an ok story, but not one of my favorites. It was a little cliche for me. Boy and girl are friends, but don't want to ruin that friendship by trying a relationship. Sexual tension gets to be too much for them and they get together anyway. I liked the story, but I felt like I was reading a story that I had read before.

Gimme Shelter by Heidi Betts was a pretty cute story. Dean was so cute with the kittens and it was fun watching Erica teach him how to take care of them. I really liked how this story did center a lot around the animals (seeing the book is suppose to be about animals) and not just the love story between Dean and Erica. My only problem with this story was I was a little disappointed with Erica at the end. It seems really drastic that she wouldn't continue a relationship with Dean if he had given up the kittens. She put him on such a high pedestal and when he didn't live up to her high expectations she was just going to give up. That doesn't seem like she really cared about him, she just cared about how she wanted him to be. Other then that I really liked this story and I might just look into more of Heidi Betts books.

Partner in Crime by Jules Bennett was a pretty good story. It was interesting seeing Abel, the ex cop and Saige, the criminal dog napper falling in love. It was kind of funny watching Saige try to work around Abel's tendency to want to know what was always going on. I liked that Saige was looking for ways to give dogs better lives, but I'm not sure that I liked how she went about it. She never had any information on the people's situation or what was wrong with the dogs, she just went in over night and took them all. I love my dog and would do anything for her, but for a while she was so sick she easily could have looked neglected to someone who didn't know the situation. It took the vet a long time to find out what was wrong with her and during that time she became very skinny and looked really bad. If that was the case with any of the dogs that she stole then she actually did something horrible and the owners and the dog would have been in a much worse situation. I tried not to let that bother me too much and just enjoy the story though. Overall I thought it was a pretty nice end to a great book.