A review by trike
Ex-Communication by Peter Clines


A nice return to form and a suitable conclusion to the Ex-Heroes trilogy... or is it? Clines mentions there might be two more books in the series in the afterword.

New stories don't immediately come to mind for me since this wrapped everything up fairly tidily. The Big Bad is defeated and there are plenty of implications that the population of the Mount will grow and prosper. Sure, there are lots of challenges still to be faced, but there were so many revelations and mysteries solved that he'd have to come up with new characters beyond the main ones we've seen.

Although I enjoyed it, the book does have its problems. Primarily the set-up with Corpse Girl, whose memories reset whenever she falls asleep, is seemingly dropped by the end of the book. I expected it to play more into the climax, but it's forgotten. Not a big deal overall, but so much time was spent setting it up that I expected it to be more significant. I did like the ultimate explanation for Corpse Girl's condition, though.

The climactic battle -- c'mon, this is superhero fiction, you know there is one -- is quite good. Overall, I liked it.