A review by kitherondales
Nightfall by L.J. Smith


Okay so the plot confused me throughout most of this book but I still enjoyed the characters growth so this book was worth reading to me. Everyone kept telling Elena that she wasn't a fighter but they were all wrong! She was a angelic warrior and she kicked major ass is this book. She didn't need rescuing, she was the one that rescued everyone else which is a really nice change from TV!Elena. And Damon continues to be the better brother even though he's supposedly the "bad" one. He protects Elena, Bonnie, and the others; he cares about Stefan and wants to find him so badly that he beat the crap out of his abducter. I can't say the same for Stefan. He continues to see the worst in Damon and his judgemental self righteous bullshit is so boring. Thank God he wasn't in this book very much. Hopefully he'll be in the next book even less. I'm looking forward to seeing Elena go on that road trip with Damon and Matt to search for Stefan in the sequel. I'm ready to drain the vein of the next installment of TVD. Give me more Damon and more Warrior!Elena. I'm ready for it.