A review by pmatusz
Die Neuromancer-Trilogie by Peter Robert, Reinhard Heinz, William Gibson, Karl Bruckmaier


Cyberpunk is 115% my aesthetic. The more so it's surprising how long it took me to read this one. The quality of writing in the Neuromancer (Volume 1) and the resulting chemistry between the console jockey Case and the "Witch" hit(wo)man Molly Millions is electric; descriptions of the society of the Sprawl in Count Zero (Vol 2) are pretty memorable but the last one (Volume 3, Mona Lisa Overdrive) was so slow and so complex that I had to put it down for several months, to only finish it this Easter (still in love with Molly, but ending of trilogy - bit underwhelming). Onto the remaining 2 trilogies of W. Gibson!

PS. The trilogy is worth picking up even just for the design of the re-issue by Gollancz, google them!