A review by librarycutie
King of the Court by R.S. Grey


*hey alexa, play King of My Heart by Taylor Swift*

This was seriously such a page turner, I loved getting to know Raelynn and Ben’s story, I just love how unexpected it was and all the bumps in the road that just made the story fit together even better! Of course I love a Sports Romance, and expected nothing less from R.S. Grey, she always delivers the best! The romance was so sweet, full of a cute surprise, and of course our favorite steamy scenes!

We follow Raelynn Birdie, close to finishing her Masters degree but having to pack up to return to Pine Hill for her Nan, quickly progressing with Alzheimer’s. My heart aches for her and her struggles. She put her whole life on hold just so she can pay for her Nan’s nursing home and be there for her. I adored her from the start, I kept imagining a young Reese Witherspoon every time I imagined Raelynn, and laying on a country accent with her dialogue—she was so cute!

Then we have Ben, Famous and Professional NBA basketball player coming in to change Raelynn’s life and routine. We didn’t know too much about his past, just that he always put work and basketball before relationships, which is why everyone’s so stunned at his interest in Raelynn.

”I like the way you make me feel. I like your presence in a room. You draw me in and I don’t have a fighting chance of staying away from you.”

I was in love from the start, their first interaction at the Diner, you know the scene, I knew Ben was going to be a new favorite from that moment on. And he proved me right. Never once did her waver, they faulted briefly for reasons neither of them could’ve expected, but it made the story, their story, that much better.

The ending, my heart could barely take it. Grey always comes through with the best endings. Did I almost cry?? Yep, you bet! If you’re wanting to dip your toes into the romance genre or really enjoy sports, then give this a go!

*received an early e-ARC copy for review, this is all my full honest thoughts about the book! i love R.S. Grey’s books so much and am honored to get this opportunity.