A review by booksandladders
Nothing Happened by Molly Horton Booth

Did not finish book.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book and chose to review it. This in no way impacts my opinion.

DNF @ 45%

I was not a fan of how this one started. There were way too many POVs and the story wasn't that intriguing. I didn't like the casual aspects of well this is clearly a thing because we're at camp that weren't given any more detail. This should have been a book I adored - Shakespeare retelling, set at a summer camp, LGBTQ+ romance - but no. It took too long to get anywhere interesting, I don't care "what happened," and the LGBTQ+ romance was so rushed and is going to be overshadowed by the heterosexual one so I really don't care. I couldn't bother finishing but based on the current trajectory, it would have been a 2 star read from me.