A review by writeronherway
Orion Lost by Alastair Chisholm


I was really looking forward to this one and it did not disappoint. There is not a lot of sci-fi aimed at 8-12s so it was great to find one that was really good! I just wish there had been more sci-fi intended for this age group when I was in it. I will definitely be recommending this one.

The premise is: what would happen if on route to a new colony all of the adults were indisposed and the children were left in charge? Beth finds herself selected as Captain (rather than the actual Captain’s son...awkward!) by the ship’s computer because she had the highest grades in their leadership tests. She soon finds that putting those skills to the test in an emergency situation where you’re suddenly in charge of an entire ship and all the lives onboard is a bit more challenging! Her team of six find it really tough to work together and take on jobs they’ve only studied a little bit for. I love that they don’t just become fast friends but they argue, get scared, get it wrong (a lot!) but in the end it works out! I loved how they worked together and came up with a good plan at the end under pressure.

Perfect fun, fast-paced escapism. I read it in one go. My only complaint is that it looks like a stand alone and I’d love to see a sequel!