A review by mackle13
Thủy Triều Kinh Hoàng by Justin Somper



The second book of the series started off a bit slow, and I was worried that it was going to have the slump that sometimes happens after good first books - but around midway point it really started picking up, and I was pulled into the intrigue and politics and whatnot. Also, it was really cool to see the Pirate Academy and how things operate there, as well as meet some new characters I imagine will become important down the line.

On the downside: I was a bit annoyed with Connor's easily shifting loyalties, and he seems very inconstant. Also, Grace's search for a way back onto the Vampirate ship took some melodramatic turns that were a bit annoying.

Overall, though, I like the fact that Grace and Connor have some reality and depth to them, including internal conflicts and, to an extent, being annoying.

And I'm glad that I was totally right about Cheng Li.

'm curious to see how the series will progress, and what the fallout for some of the things that happened in this book will be.

Overall, I very much like the world and the characters, and look forward to picking up the next in the series in short order.