A review by shiningshield
Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana

Did not finish book. Stopped at 75%.
it’s painfully obvious that a man wrote this book, as the female characters (kim in particular) look, talk, and act like they were written by a man. sadistic tendencies and murderous sexuality aside, i just didn’t find the protagonist to be believable as a 16 year old girl. 

marked as DNF because it became a tedious, boring read, and that’s not really a feeling you want to associate with the sort of vile acts that take place in this book. 

i do enjoy his writing style so perhaps i’ll try another book that has a male protagonist, but i’m in no hurry to do so. 

a petty aside if i may - there was one line that irked me to the point of being pulled out of the book entirely, and that was the mention of kim wearing juliette has a guns “not a perfume” which is famously just cetalox and nothing else, certainly not “whale vomit” as the author wrote. in fact i don’t think any JHAG perfumes use ambergris, otherwise they’d be a lot more expensive than $150 per 100ml bottle! maybe the ‘tism jumped out a bit here, but researching these simple little things shouldn’t be a difficult task for the author to complete. just saying!