A review by madwonder
Rapture by Lauren Kate


What do I say about this? It drove me crazy most of the time for multiple reasons. I found myself skipping over paragraphs and literally going "blah blah blah". That's probably just me though. I also found myself annoyed and hungry for answers the entire time. Luckily the answers did finally come in this book and left little questions by the end.

I missed Cam dearly in this book and would totally be up for reading a spinoff about him. I seriously could have used his prescense just a little more; okay, a lot more. Anyway, I felt the way it ended was satisfactory for me. I would have preferred things to have been able to stay the same with Daniel and Luce instead of what actually happened. When I say stay the same, I don't mean with the curse and all. I dont want to say exactly what i want because then this would contain spoilers but i did cry my eyes out towards the end.

I wasn't surprised at all by the revelation pertaining to the curse, the begining of their relationship, and why Luce was a big part of it. I called it during the first book; but it was like a huge revelation when Luce finally discovered for herself.

I found some things mediocre and boring through this series and it sometimes was enough to make me gag with all the sweetness and love between Luce and Daniel but overall the story came together and at least there was a happy ending.

I still ache for Cam though.