A review by aljosa
The Lemon Table by Julian Barnes


How fitting to end 2017 with a book about deaths and endings and then I'll start the New Year with a book with a title for a beginning: [b:Pulse|8608089|Pulse|Julian Barnes|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1329249410s/8608089.jpg|13478360]
Overall rating: 8/10

By story:
"A Short History of Hairdressing" - 8/10
"The Story of Mats Israelson" 5/10
"The Things You Know" 10/10
"Hygiene" 6/10
"The Revival 7/10
"Vigilance" 10/10
"Bark" 6/10
"Knowing French" 10/10
"Appetite" 8/10
"The Fruit Cage" 9/10
"The Silence" 8/10