A review by little_red_dragon
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro


When we first met, I had only been trying to survive, and he had snuck in, somehow, when I was at my lowest, and now I didn’t know myself without him.

I absolutely adore Charlotte and Jamie and that will never change. However, A Question of Holmes seems to be more of an add-on to a finished trilogy than the finale. The tone is much different--much more lighthearted than A Case for Jamie--and the entire book feels more like an episodic side-adventure rather than part of the overarching plot.

However, we do get a Charlotte POV in this book, which I adore. It's a lot of fun to see the world through her eyes. The mystery was engaging and there was plenty of cute moments throughout!

Honestly, I enjoyed the book a lot! It's a quick, enjoyable romp; it just wasn't as strong as the rest of the series.