A review by kurenai
Cobweb Forest by Vera Nazarian


Wow, it took me far too long to finish this book. I set it aside and failed to pick it up again for a rather long time, I must admit.

I'm not going to add a synopsis as those can be found elsewhere. I do want to say that I did very much enjoy this book, like the first two. However, unlike the first two I found myself losing interest somewhere halfway through for whatever reason. It still had that beautiful dreamy quality that Vera does so well but somehow some of the explanations or scene-hopping or something (I'm not sure what) started to drag just a bit and I found myself losing the threads of the story for a while there.

Luckily I finally picked the story back up and finished it in a day. Well worth the read to get to the end, even if I felt like I was slogging through a bit of the repetitious parts. I'm pretty stingy with my 4- and 5-stars so know that this trilogy is still very good and definitely worthwhile if you like both fantasy and mythology. Just know that parts of it might be a bit slow-going but I recommend sticking in there and continuing on so you can get to a very satisfying ending.