A review by bodebeabay
Consumed by Rebecca Zanetti


[b:Consumed|13581794|Consumed (Dark Protectors, #4)|Rebecca Zanetti|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1338266518s/13581794.jpg|19167278] (Dark Protectors, #4) by [a:Rebecca Zanetti|4149342|Rebecca Zanetti|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1298082465p2/4149342.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
4.75 Stars

This series has become one of the my favorite Adult Paranormal/Suspense Romances
I had to have them all.
Each one just made me want to read the next.

My least favorite was the 1st book in the series, 'Fated (Dark Protectors, #1). I rated it 3.5 and stated with some fine tuning it would easily be 4 to 5 stars.
Well, Ms. Rebecca Zanetti definitely did the fine tuning in the rest of this series!

The mc's of this one are Katie Smith & Jordan Pride, shifters in the Dark Protectors world.

The chemistry and adult scenes are Super Charged and melt me romantic.
These two set the pages on fire.

The suspense and action is high octane.
Kept me on the edge of my seat devouring every page.

My favorite of the series so far.

I admit I got into this one so much that if there were errors, I flat out read over them.
That is how much I got into this one.

I just hope the next in the series will continue to wow me.