A review by kirstyreadsblog
Loveboat, Taipei, by Abigail Hing Wen


Thank you to Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of Loveboat Taipei in exchange for an honest review.

Content warnings: violence towards animals (snakes), alcohol & drunkeness, racism, leaked nudes/revenge porn, mentions of depression, ableism (challenged on page)

When I heard about Loveboat Taipei I immediately added it to my goodreads TBR. It just sounded like my perfect read. A summer camp type thing for teens in Taipei with no parents? That sounds messy and fantastic. And it was.

Ever Wong was looking forward to spending her summer dancing before she has to go to college to become a doctor. Then her parents drop the bomb that they are sending her to Chien Tan in Taipei. It’s supposed to be an educational trip to Ever can learn more about Chinese culture and learn Mandarin, but when she gets there Ever finds out the nickname of Chien Tan is “Loveboat”. Any plans of studying go out the window and Ever spends the first few weeks with her roommate partying the night away and trying to find a dance studio.

I haven’t been to Taiwan (it’s on my list), but I felt like I was there when I read this book. I could imagine all the street markets and nightlife, the street vendors selling food.

Continue my review here: https://kirstyreadsblog.com/2020/01/08/loveboat-taipei-by-abigail-hing-wen-review/