A review by tinydonats
Frostbound Throne: Song of Night by May Sage


I read this like 2 weeks ago and I have forgotten most of it, but I did enjoy it and I remember key points. I didn't have the rest of the series on hand, but if I did, I would have continued immediately for sure.

The dialogue was hit and miss for me. There were some lines that hit really nice, but there were others that definitely made me stop and look up from the book. No spoiling but I will say there was a line about the FMC sticking out her tongue in a "sassy" way... and the MMC definitely found it cute and feisty... May... please. But yes, to be fair, May did have a handful of good lines and it was more good than bad.

I, personally, do not care for science fiction or realism/realistic fantasy/urban fantasy. I prefer brand new worlds with no ties to our reality in terms of world building. This does have ties to our reality. I know that there was a lot of thought and finesse put into that world building and reality connection so I appreciate that, but not my preference. That connection to reality is a big foundation of the plot so your discretion if you swing this genre. I didn't know that going in, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and I did enjoy the book as whole.

The plot twist and revelation at the end of this book was great. It definitely makes you want to read more which is why I will try to continue this series once I have more book-energy (I'm in a bit of a slump). Would recommend!