A review by mjaitely
The Art of Secrets by James Klise


If you're looking for a fresh mystery to read which is not too much crime related and more of teenage banter but is still interesting and underrated, this is it. The Art of Secrets is a book that gives insight into another culture and the inner dynamics of how being an outsider is challenging in the very opportunistic America. It relates a story of "desperate dreamers" and the ends to which they go to establish themselves in life.

The Outsiders would have been a suitable title to this novel, but unfortunately that title was used by S.E. Hinton a little less than half a decade ago. Javier or "Savior" in the novel has read this book or its Spanish Translation: REBELDES. Kendra is clueless about this book which is a contradiction to what she is throughout the book, she is one character who is never clueless and turns out to be the mastermind behind everything. Yet, the end of this crime mystery does not manage to capture my heart as it seems to abrupt but then that's what's real about it. James Klise, in the novel uses Multiple POV at its best and gives different views to the story which helps build it up. The POV I liked to read the most was Ariel Ames and Jean Delacroix and maybe even Javier. Ariel's POV sounded fresh, while Jean's POV was interesting considering the amount of depth in which art is discussed in it. Also Javier's POV brought out this sympathy for his feelings and explained his behaviour really well. I liked this book as it also gave an insight into another culture which was fun to explore. Otherwise Saba and her group's dynamic were much like high school banter is.