A review by rebekah27
Ring of Solomon by Aden Polydoros


Thank you NetGalley and inkyard press for the arc of this book. Im going to start with the things that i disliked first and end with the things that i did like about this book. Firstly, there was very little to no build up to the plot and the things that happened. Secondly, to go along with the first one, it was too short, now the final version does seem to be longer than the arc that I received so hopefully this and all my other critiques will be fixed. Thirdly the side characters weren’t as developed as i would’ve liked. And my last critique is i didn’t connect with it as much as I wanted to, however this is a middle grade book written for 12 year olds and as I am not a 12 year old I can’t really hold that against it. Moving on to the things that I did like about it, it had short chapters, it puts you right into the action, it made me laugh out loud, and I would love to see little kids read this and hopefully get to see themselves, and/or learn about Jewish mythology. Overall this was an amazing book and it deserves to be read by as many little kids as possible.