A review by superike
Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War by P.W. Singer


This novel is about a future conflict between the United States and China. What makes it different is that almost every bit of technology figuring in the novel is backed by references to sources. It means that the military tech portrayed and how it is being used may potentially exist in the near future. The background of the conflict - a war between United States and China - was similar to another novel I read recently, "2034: A Novel of the Next World War". But the novels differ quite dramatically in how the war is ultimately conducted but I won't say more so as not to spoil it for you.

However, what they share together is the major impact cyberwarfare has on potential armed conflict. Most people tend to think that weapons systems are becoming more and more sophisticated due to the digital and cyber evolution. It's true, but at the same time not many people realize how this electronic wizardy is opening all kinds of dangerous weaknesses that did not exist previously.

Those weaknesses are very much on display in Ghost Fleet. As I was reading, it dawns on you that the fact that China has becoming a global manufacturing hub for almost every electronic components used across the globe cannot be reduced to the benefits of paying less for your spanking new 4K 55-inch TV. It has national security consequences too and it's scary to read about that in the book.

The actual story plot and the characters are OK but the meat of the book is really how future military tech will or could work. 3 stars and recommended if the subject matter interests you.