A review by babsreads18
As You Wish by Nashae Jones


Birdie is determined to find a boyfriend in 8th grade. She just doesn't expect her best friend, Deve, to be so against her plan, and soon they are fighting for the first time ever. Anansi, a West African god appears and allows Birdie to make up to 3 wishes to fix everything...but wishes can be tricky to get right.

This is a really cute coming of age story with just the right amount of fantasy and romance. The storyline was really well done and the author did a great job portraying that awkward, hopeful 8th grade phase that so many of us go through. I appreciated that the wishes Birdie made impacted the relationships that she had with her family and other friends, as well as her relationship with Deve.  Birdie and Deve's friendship was super cute and I loved that there was a happy ending. I listened to the audio which was fantastic. 

Thank you to Simon Audio for the gifted copy.