A review by eldritchreader
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn


Actual rating: 4.5

This book was absolutely fantastic! I loved it from start to finish and now just need more sirens and queer pirates in my life. Please and thank you.

It's rare to find a fantasy book that isn't swamped with world-building and yet really doesn't need it. The fantasy elements are subtle, but integral to the story (I mean, the MC is a mythical creature). And yet despite the subtly, the story is crafted in a way that you don't need more. There a sirens in the sea. Everyone knows it. Done.

The story-line is a gorgeous mix of tragic and hopeful, with an incredible character development arc - not just for Perle, the MC; but the whole gang - as they realign what they think they understand of a world they barely interact with. It's the typical story of two worlds that normally clash needing to get along. And it is beautifully done.

And the characters themselves - I LOVE THEM ALL. Perle is an amazing main character with a tragic backstory but also a fighting, and open-hearted, spirit. Dejean is absolutely a gem and the entire world needs more of him. Simone and Mur - AHH <3 They are the best example of opposites attract and I love them dearly for it.

This was a wonderfully crafted story and this won't be the last thing I pick up written by Bryn. If you love fantasy and LGBT+ rep this is a fantastic adult crossover for YA readers.

Thank you to the author for reaching out to me with a copy of the book for review! This does not impact on my review and all thoughts are 100% honest.