A review by sunnyaz4me
The Tesla Legacy by Rebecca Cantrell


Can't Get Enough Joe!

TBH, I’m already a huge Joe Tesla fan. That being said, Rebecca Cantrell doesn't disappoint in her second novel, THE TESLA LEGACY. With the death of Joe’s father, Rebecca effortlessly weaves multiple storylines together as she lays out a whole new meaning for Joe and his four-legged sidekick, Edison. I loved delving even deeper into Joe’s character and peeking into his past whilst accompanying him on a thrilling race save New York as we know it.

I know I keep talking, Joe, Joe, Joe, but he’s obviously not the only character in the book (otherwise, as much as I love Joe, it’d get pretty darn boring.) Love/hate his new antagonists. Rebecca makes you just want to jump into the pages and help stop them yourself.

Emotionally, Rebecca Cantrell took me to a place I’ve never been (& I can’t say more as I don’t want to reveal that part of Joe’s story.) By the end of the book I wanted to re-trace Joe’s footprints (& Edison’s paw prints) to explore their stomping grounds…can only imagine how much trouble I’d get into if I tried it in real life, however. Thankfully I have my copies of THE WORLD BENEATH and THE TESLA LEGACY to re-read when I get the itch to go exploring the underground world of Joe Tesla. How long do we need to wait until the next one??? Whenever it is, it can’t come fast enough!!!