A review by darquedreamer
Contagion by Erin Bowman


Contagion is thrilling and heart pounding! It's a creepy, infection story set in the far reaches of space. This one will grip you until the end and leave you wanting more!

When I heard the news about Erin's new book being a Science Fiction story, I knew I had to read it ASAP! I fell in love with her writing in Vengeance Road and Retribution Rails, and this one was no different. I was captivated from page one and read it from start to finish in one sitting.

The writing was fantastic. There was never a moment where I didn't feel like I was right beside the characters. I got thrills, chills and heart pounding enjoyment. I could see everything happening clearly as if I were watching a movie.

As far as the plot was concerned, I had expected a little more originality. The entire time I was reading I kept thinking about movies like Alien, Ghosts of Mars, and Event Horizon. Though the story was exciting and captivating (and I loved all those movies), there were only a few moments that felt fresh and unique.

I loved the character development, though. Erin has a great way of helping the reader get to know the characters in the moment, as the story is happening, without throwing things at you all at once. With this story being told from several different perspectives, I got to know the different characters of the Odyssey without feeling like my head was spinning, and I was rooting for all of them to make it out alive!

Was Contagion worth the read? Heck yes it was! It was well written, creepy, and had a killer cliff hanger ending! I loved the science behind the contagion, the adventure through space, and the interesting characters, and, even though the plot wasn't always unpredictable, I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

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Thank you to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with this free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.