A review by miametro
Way Down Dark by J.P. Smythe


You know those books that you buy and then can't stop reading and it's 2am and your eyes are tired and your cat is annoyed that the light from your Kindle is keeping him awake but you have to keep reading because you MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! ?

Way Down Dark is one of those books. I've said it before and I'll say it again, James Smythe is an absolutely phenomenal writer who only seems to be getting better with each new release. Visceral and punchy, his books are regularly chock full of despair (such darkness! Much agony!) but also just enough redemption to keep you from falling headfirst into the pit, making for fast paced, relatable but spine-chilling books. The real continued success of Smythe's writing is his ability to create distant worlds that are just close enough to the bone to have you feeling a little scared for our future. The characters in his books live in the darkness of the alternate timelines, for sure and I wouldn't want it any other way.

His first YA offering (and part one of a trilogy) Way Down Dark had me enthralled, captivated and frightened in equal measures, which is exactly the ratio I want in my books. For fans of Stephen King, The Hunger Games and Journey into Space by Toby Litt (and for, y'know, fans of great books in general) Way Down Dark is an absolute must read.

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