A review by sweetea_55
Shrink to Fit by Dona Sarkar


Mmm, it's gonna be a hard no for me. I liked the concept, the story started off well enough but this book just reminded me of a really bad 2004 teen movie and therefore I couldn't really take it seriously at times. It's like the author didn't know whether she wanted to make a serious story or a funny one. Between the bad and typical, Girl-falls-in-love-with-hot-neighbor troupe, to the way Leah was always talking down about other girls and referring to them as bitches, just because she found them too thin. It was just not it. I hated Leah. She was childish, selfish, mean and just all together a character I couldn't stand. She reeked of Pick Me and the way she treated her friend Jay in the end was just crappy. At least it didn't take too long to read.