A review by lolasreviews
The Horse Mistress: Book 3 by R.A. Steffan


I am really enjoying this series, so much in fact that I am basically binge reading these and I am not a binge reader usually. I thought after reading book 1 and 2 in a row, I needed a break before I came back for book 3. Well that nearly got me in a book slump, until I got back to this series and my slump disappeared immediately. There's just something about this series that makes me want to keep reading. And now I am almost finished with the horse mistress books of this series, only one more book left and I am not ready to say goodbye to these characters yet.

The Horse Mistress Book 3 deals more with the plot line surrounding the Empire, the threat of invasion and the political tensions. Which was great. This plot line has been important since the start of the series, but in this book things escalate a lot more. I really enjoyed seeing how this developed and we get to more of Eburos and also of the Empire and how they act. There is even more danger and I was just hoping the characters I cared about stayed alive. There's also a development surrounding a side character, Favian, that's quite interesting and he's quite the interesting character.

And next to the that plot line we still have the awesome romance going on. I just can't get enough of these three. Carivel, Senovo and Andoc are just so awesome together. And this book again shows the depth of their feelings and emotions. The events of this book put them all through a lot and we get to see how they deal with it. I don't want to spoil too much, but one of them goes through something difficult in this book and it was great to see how the other two were there. And how they resolve and handle things.

Their romance is one of my favorite parts of this book, the author wrote their relationship so well. There are a bunch of hot sex scenes again in this book, the author can certainly write them well and there's a lot of variety in the sex scenes as well, which is great. And the way they care about each other only enhances the depth and feeling in the sex scenes as well.

I also loved how we get to see a bit more of the island Eburos in this book. I feel like I got a better understanding of the island, the different tribes that lived there and also how solidarity all the tribes are. The threat of the empire also comes in stark focus in this book. And we learn more about how they operate and also how in contrast it is to the Draebardi people and the other tribes. I liked how seeing the city they visited tells us more about their own village and also how other people live in this world.

And something I forgot to mention in the previous books is how I liked the role of religion and the priests and their role in the community. In this book we get introduced to another religion, which also brings more in focus how their current religion works and how different the religion of the Empire is.

To summarize: Another awesome book in this series. I just love this series and reading about these characters. This book focuses on the threat of a possible invasion by the Empire, we get to see more of the island Eburos and see some of other tribes too. The relationship between Cairvel, Senovo and Andoc is probably my favorite part of this series as it just so well done. It's awesome how much these three care for each other and are there for each other. The sex scenes are hot and well written with quite some variation as well and the depth of their feelings for each other only makes the sex scenes even better. It was great to get a better insight in Eburos and how the different tribes lived and also how the Empire did things in this book. There's also an interesting contrast between the religion of the Eburosi and the Empire. I can't wait to read book 4!