A review by morganreadsoccasionally
Cuffing Season by Danielle Allen


Let me first say that I love Allen and her writing style. Mostly, I admire her hard hitting content.

With that said.... Cuffing Season was good but not Sweatpants Season good.

Slut-shaming/victim-shaming is heavy stuff but it's a conversation that needs to be had. Where Sweatpants Season starts a conversation it seems that Cuffing Season just kinda rants about the topic.

With the way I was pissed off about what was happening to Serena I expected a more solidified conclusion. I mean it was sweet and the Lost Boys got what was coming but it just doesn't feel concluded to me.

Serena spent the whole book fighting. Fighting against the opinion of others, fighting her attraction to Luca, and fighting the fear of losing her dream because of rumors.

I really think she deserved more. Even if it's just an extended epilogue that is all hers.