A review by antstorm
Chosen by Sarah Swan


There were 5 things that made it hard to like this book:

1. The author does not know the correct definition of the word "penultimate" yet insists on repeatedly using it.

2. The line about butter being scraped thin over toast - yeah Tolkien worded it so much better.

3. The main character's description of the old sailor at the beginning is quite racist. She doesn't trust him because of his crude Easten European, possible Russian, accent. If this book had been written in the Cold War, it would be one thing, but it wasn't. It makes the main character unlikeable right from the get-go and I therefore couldn't sympathise with her during the entire book.

4. None of the other characters were particularly likeable either. Especially the love interest - even if he apologised after, no guy who called me a "stupid bitch" would be getting me up in his love tower.

5. The action of the book doesn't really begin until about halfway through. As I'd bought a bunch of books at once for my Kindle, I wasn't sure what sort of book this was supposed to be, and by the time the plot actually unfolded, it was hard for me to care.

I thought the concept for this book was interesting, and the prose itself flowed decently but there were not enough things to like about this book to overcome the things I didn't. I won't be continuing to read this series, or probably anything else by this author.