A review by randikaye
Deadly Commitment by Kathy Harris


There is nothing I enjoy reading more than a romantic suspense novel and this first book of Kathy Harris' new The Deadly Secrets series did not disappoint in the slightest. I was drawn into this story right from the start, and couldn't put it down until the very end. Now, unlike some stories in this genre that keep you on the edge of your seat with nonstop action and unanswered questions, this one was a bit different. There wasn't really much of a whodunnit to figure out, so much as just waiting to see how the story played out. We knew very early on who at least one of the bad guys was. There were certainly some moments of action throughout of course, it just wasn't the back to back moments that we may have come to expect. Though I generally do like a quick paced suspense, I must say it really worked for this story. In many ways it allowed for others aspects of the story to shine through.

One of the big topics in this story is illegal drugs. This is such a very real and important topic going on in our world today, one that is all too often glamorized by popular culture. On the flipside, so often those who have struggled with addiction are demonized. This book does a great job of showing those negative effects that drugs can play not just on the addicts, but those around them... but also reminds us that there is hope after them and that's God's grace was stronger than addiction. It was really interesting to see those effects from so many varying points of view.

What I really loved in this story was the romance! It was written wonderfully, and I really enjoyed the chemistry between the romantic leads. I could have read more and more between the two of them to be honest. While I admit that I wasn't certain about it at the beginning, the deeper into the story I read, the more I enjoyed it.

This is a great introduction to this series, and I personally cannot wait to read more! If you love a good romantic suspense, this is definitely one to check out!

** I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.