A review by jimmypat
Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain by Peter Shankman


Peter Shankman is an absolute lunatic. This book is the literary equivalent of being in a Formula One car - you can feel the intensity in his prose and the intensity of how he lives his life blazes forth from the pages. At time, the book feels a bit bloated and sometimes feels like an infomercial about his favorite products that help him with ADHD.

HOWEVER, unlike a lot of self-help books, this book was extremely genuine and you could tell it came from someone with experience with ADHD. I recognized myself in most of what Peter talked about and I gained some truly valuable ideas on how to better my life. The book's chapter for people who live with someone with ADHD was extremely funny and extremely accurate. I'm grateful that he wrote this book and that I can gain some good insights, even though I didn't always agree with all of his perspectives.