A review by fantasmic_reads
Odd Spirits by S.T. Gibson


Honestly, this was so cosy and I'm so glad that I got to read this early, so thank you to Netgalley and Angry Robot for the eArc! 

S.T Gibson has really cemented herself as one of my favourite authors of the year and everything she has written so far has been golden. Evocation was one of my favourite reads this year and it was great to see the characters again in a more compact story! I didn't know much about this going into this, only that people weren't so fond of the previous version of Odd Spirits, but I'm glad I could read this version instead. I think it's great that Gibson was able to go back and rewrite this in a way that fully encapsulates her skills as an author now. 

Rhys is as always an amazing character who leaves me with a hole in my gut with how he makes me feel. I love Moira so much; her whole aesthetic and personality makes me wish she was a real person because I would LOVE to meet her. Their relationship in this novella was lovely to read about and how they navigated their miscommunication was great to see. I also enjoyed the small glimpse of David where he essentially walked in, fucked shit up, and walked out again. What an icon. 

This has made me really excited to read the next installment, or essentially any other crumbs that Gibson tosses at me.