A review by bi_bibliophile
Lip Hook by David Hine


I've never read a graphic novel before and I've been hoping to try one out for a while so I thought I'd introduce myself to the style with this after getting it in a book box.
I loved the artwork throughout the graphic novel, it really helped to add to the atmosphere of the story. It's a strange little tale and I loved the idea of the old traditions and old gods being worshipped in a middle of nowhere rural English village that's watched over by a Lord. The story was interesting and quick paced with plenty of content to focus on despite it being a fairly short, quick read. It's got a handful of strange and interesting characters for you to get acquainted with and it most definitely puts the "graphic" into graphic novel. It's a bizarre and slightly gory read but it is well worth the read, especially if you like horror or just want a decent story to introduce yourself to graphic novels. This has definitely encouraged me to read more graphic novels in future!

Awarded 3.5 Stars (rounded up to 4 stars)