A review by ellenpenleysmith
The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa


So here's the thing. I love Julie Kagawa. The original Iron Fey and The Immortal Rules are all stunners and have captured my heart utterly and completely. Much like The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.

What these two authors have in common besides that is that they both decided to do spin off ideas. The other similarity is that I did not like the spin off ideas nearly as much as the original books they spin off from.

The Lost Prince is about Meghan's younger brother, Ethan. Ethan is now older (and hotter) and has an absolute hatred for the fey. When he gets sucked into fae drama he ends up in the Iron realm and gets pulled into the drama of the Forgotten fey who we met in The Iron Knight if you've read that.

I just wanted to quickly say that you do not need to have read The Iron Fey series to understand The Lost Prince. Everything is re-hashed, and while that may make it a little bit boring for us old timers, it's perfectly understandable.

I'm not even going to bother talking about Kagawa's amazing writing skills. She's the bomb and that is all there is to say, really. The world comes to life when she writes and she writes enough for you to understand what she's conveying and to let your own imagination run wild.

Although it should be warned that this is an angsty novel. Ethan is full of the emotion and that made it a little bit more difficult for me to handle because it is always there. We do see the original trio: Puck, Ash, and Meghan and I was jumping for joy when they appeared on the page. However, they aren't really around for more than a few chapters and some small cameos and this novel just made me realise how much I missed them and how no spin off can satisfy my need for more of the original three amigos.

There are an additional two characters here, Kierran and Kenzie. I didn't particularly like either of them to be honest. Kenzie is the kind of popular girl who defies the cliche popular cheerleader type by being on the school's paper editor and ex-girlfriend to the school's jock. So... she's cliche popular.

Kierran... Sigh. Yes, old folks, Kierran is alive and well. Well, maybe not well because he's an idiot and the one similarity he has with his parents is the fact that he gets into trouble and has a unfortunate romance with a summer fey. But it wasn't just that. He was irritating. Period. There wasn't too much redeemable in him for me at this point.

There's not much to say really. I have all the faith in Kagawa to make things better and I'll read the sequel The Traitor Son even if it makes me want to stab the books after realising how the novella The Iron Prophecy and the #2 connect.