A review by estherfilbrun
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis


Several years ago, I was talking to a friend about reading, and we got onto the topic of C.S. Lewis’ writings and his Narnia series in particular. When he found out I’d never read this book yet, he told me that needed to be the next book I read, as it was his favorite. Well…I didn’t follow that advice, but I have been able to since read it aloud to my siblings, and what fun that has been!

I’ve found, over the last few years, that I love books that have animals as main characters—especially ones that have spunky animals. Actually, I take that back. I like spunky characters, no matter whether they’re animals or great-aunts. Anyway, I loved Bree in this story. He’s funny, has a great perspective (normally, anyway), and knows his mind. I also loved Shasta, and the journey the two take together is one to be experienced!

Since this was my first time reading this story, I don’t feel like I have a very good grasp on the allegorical side of the book. I do understand how this book—and the series as a whole—got to be so popular, though, and don’t doubt that I’ll return to this story one day (and maybe I’ll understand the allegory better then?). My siblings and I are all enjoying the chance to experience the stories together, and this book was no exception. Often, when I sat down to read aloud, I’d hardly be able to stop reading until we’d gone through several chapters and my voice was giving out. In all, this is a great continuation of the series, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the next books contain!