A review by samusiamus
Batwoman, Volume 1: Hydrology by J.H. Williams III


As a Bat Fan, so far the Batwoman comic has been feeding my desire for shadows and snark. Batman is cool but almost too broody, whilst Kate Kane has the brood AND the sense of humour to offer a good balance- in a way it reminds me of Joss Whedon's Angel series. Except with more lady lovin' ;)

Continuing that thread, I like how a lesbian relationship is shown as being just another daily thing, it's not put on display or takes over the story. It's just part of Kate's life and we see how it all integrates with her life as Batwoman.

JH Williams continues to amaze and entice me, his art style and the way he uses the form or shape of a label or two page spread to illustrate the flow of the dialogue is just really cool. It's a great example of comic books being not just story but art. The starkness of the bright red against the brooding Crayola colour of Batman Black is just eye-popping and makes you notice things that, in other comics, would kind of blend into the background. I will remain a fan of this series for as long as JH is involved, that's for sure.