A review by notteaurora
Give Me Reason by Zoey Derrick


Hello Readers!

Today we are going to be taking a look at Give Me Reason. Zoey Derrick tells us the story of Viv, a constantly struggling waitress and Mikah a rich man who is inexplicably drawn to Viv. We meet Viv just after she gets out of the hospital. After being put there by her boyfriend Viv tries once again to get back on her feet, something she's been doing all her life. Mikah is our mysterious hero and right from the beginning we know there is way more to him then meets the eye. After literally being drawn to Viv for unknown reasons Mikah just wants to take care of her. None of which Viv is having, she sees it as nothing more then a rich guy easing his conscience but she couldn't be more wrong.

I'm giving Give Me Reason a solid 4 stars and I'll tell you why. Zoey definitely starts out with the strong basis for a series. She gives us some really great characters and a plot with endless possibilities. One of the interesting things Zoey does is write this book in the first person. She also keeps her writing really relaxed, which to me keeps things realistic. You really feel for Viv right off the bat and this helps you understand why she doesn't want Mikah hand outs. Viv pulls more at your heartstrings the more you get to know her and her backstory. I really enjoyed the fact that Mikah is kept a little bit of a mystery, it keeps the reader on our toes. You get to see a tiny bit in the beginning to plant the seed, but he's still keeps his mystery. I loved the fact that Zoey doesn't give you 47 characters. She introduces people to us that matter, and only when they matter. I've experienced a lot of extra characters lately from other authors and all they do is take up page space. Literally, they do nothing to further the plot. We never meet Viv's landlord, we hear about him when he matters and I just love that!!!!

I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 for one very big reason... the cliffhanger. I don't normally mind a cliffhanger but I just felt a little bit cheated by this one. Zoey had me invested in her story, she didn't need it to keep my interested, I was already planning on reading the next part of Viv and Mikah's story. Because of this though, it just didn't feel like there was much resolution to this book, or at least not as much as I would have liked. What happened to Riley? What was up with all the well dressed patrons at the diner? I know there is another book on the way. I also know that it is coming out soon, so I'm not as upset as I would have been if I'd had to wait a year for the next book.

Over all this is a good story with good characters and the fun mystery of what Mikah is. I just would have liked a little bit more in the way of wrap up. So defiantly put this on your to read list, but if you hate cliffhangers make sure you wait for the next book release before you start.
