A review by laneylegz
Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti


Sophie is a city girl visiting Montana to try and finalize plans for a golf course she designed to be built on a reservation. Out of her element she is not used to nature or animals. Exploring one day in the woods she is yanked up onto a horse by Jake Lodge so she won't get trampled. He and his brothers Quinn & Colton and sister Dawn are out riding for pictures Dawn is shooting for a project. Already opposed to the gold course idea but still friendly, they introduce Sophie to tribe members and their extended family. Jake is attracted to Sophie and hasn't dated since his wife died and he has a daughter. The whole town seems to butt into everyone's business and the main business is matching Jake & Sophie together. Jake is all for it and badgers Sophie into dating him. She's reluctant because he is the tribe's lawyer and sees some conflicts. Tempers and passion soar as they ease into a relationship along with a vote from tribal council on whether the golf course goes in or not. Great chemistry, close family ties, & humor make this book a treat Looking forward to the next in the series