A review by leasey23
First Spell by Lucía Ashta


This book seemed like it was going in a good direction but then it just cut off before it got to the good bit? I’m so confused by it because it feels like the first quarter of a novel... as if it’s been chopped up in order to make more money. It’s called ‘First Spell’ but the girl doesn’t even get to magic school? Like.... she doesn’t even do a spell. I’m so confused. I assume there’s more books in the series so maybe you could just put them all together to make a whole book?

I was honestly so ready for her to reach the school and to start learning and see if her brother is okay, but that’s all just cut off. All that happens in this book is that a brother and sister go in a carriage, discover magic exists, then the girl goes on a horse ride whilst the brother goes on a dragon. THATS THE WHOLE BOOK.

I hate giving criticism that’s not constructive but this felt a little ridiculous. Please put this as a start of a book and keep writing it. I want to read the whole thing.