A review by marisakucha
Wrath of Rage by R.E. Bond


I have been waiting for the story. I knew it was going to be brutal, dark and absolutely explosive and RE Bond delivered. I would have liked for it to be even longer or maybe a duet because I don’t think I can get enough of Rage and Charlie (I’m feeling a little greedy).

This is one of the author’s darker books, please read the trigger warnings before embarking on this journey. In saying that, a lot of the events had to happen with who Rage is. Obviously what Charlie goes through is horrible but with Rage’s track records did we really expect anything else? I think Charlie’s strength, resilience and her innocent/not so innocent personality and outlook really were the light in the story.

I can’t say much without giving a majority of the plot away. I will say that I think this book focused mainly on Charlie and Rage and the change of the dynamics between them. It also focused on how Rage conducts himself and the crews and how he changed. I loved getting to know him more, seeing him more as a person and learning about his past.

I feel like some of the crew staff may have been rushed a little bit at the end. However, the final book is coming soon which I think will finally tie up all the loose ends and expand things a bit more. There were some lines/comments to lead into the next book in regards to Rory. I think I’ve come to accept her very rapid mood swings so I can see why some things happened the way that they did.

I can’t wait for the conclusion of the series. I love the world that the author has created and I feel like I’ve become so invested in these characters. My favorite books of the series have been Jade, Lexi and Charlie’s stories so I’m looking forward to seeing how all the characters connect and how the author will conclude the series.