A review by maraya21
Dying for a Living by Kory M. Shrum


3.5 Stars
The reason this book doesn't get a 4 star rating is because it was quite confusing at enough times to have me re-reading paragraphs or pages more than 2-3 times. But i won't be that evil and i will factor in my very own stupidity and possible inability to comprehend said parts.

Another thing i didn't like was how the MC, Jesse, was handling her love interest, well one of them (yeap triangle, you guessed it right). Leading people on and not stopping when you can clearly see they are hurting is a huge no-no for me.

Other than the above two major negative issues i did enjoy this book.
The premise is a great one, a fresh spin in the zombies genre and though i haven't read many books of this kind, most people - myself included - have the zombie associated with slow shuffling and brains at one degree or another. So the necronites are beyond what one would expect indeed.

The MC was my kind of sarcastic and in healthy doses no less - though she did have her annoying, i-want-to-reach-within-the-book-and-slap-her-senseless moments.
Another thing is that the author made an interesting background for the MC touching sensitive and very real subjects such as abuse within the home, religious zealous, bigotry in general and also sexuality.

All in all it was a great read. On to Book #2 now