A review by novelheartbeat
Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst


It's not arrogant to know who you are.
It's powerful.
And I am powerful.

Oh my gosh, this book was SO fun! I found Durst's prose to be quirky and engaging - I laughed out loud more than once. I absolutely loved the concept, it was fantastic! MAGIC. HEISTS. WERE. DRAGONS. Yes, that's right. Weredragons!! How awesome is that?! I also loved that they were thieves of gold and hoarders of treasure by nature.

I absolutely loved the sense of family that this book had going on. Sky had a close relationship with her brothers and father, and despite being told that her missing mother was a lost cause, she still fought tooth and nail to find out what happened to her.
SpoilerAnd I love that she finally found her and they were reunited as a family! Yay!

While I didn't care much for the romance between Sky and Ryan, I loooved Sky and Gabriela's friendship! Gabriela was fabulous and I related to her hardcore. She wanted adventure so bad, it was endearing!

It's hard to talk about my favorite part without spoilers, so don't click the tag if you haven't read it!
SpoilerI really enjoyed seeing the home world of the dragons!! Also, I was thrilled that they could actually change into dragons (um, weredragon helloooo they'd better be able to)! I was pretty sad in the beginning when it was stated that they couldn't change *anymore*, but I was hoping that we would see it anyway. I wasn't disappointed!

There's not much else I can say about this book other than I had fun reading it! The only reason it didn't get 5 stars is it lacked that extra something for me to connect 100% to the characters. But it was a super quick and easy read, and I definitely recommend!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.