A review by guinness74
The Man Who Wouldn't Stand Up by Jacob M. Appel


Per FCC regulations, I received this book as a gift from the author.

The premise of this book was one I felt held such promise that I tried multiple times to win a copy. So many times, apparently, that the author finally contacted me and asked if I'd like a complimentary copy. From that brief paragraph, I identified with the protagonist, Arnold Brinkman, so much so that I've often thought of doing the very thing that begins this book. I identified with him on several levels throughout the novel, but there were also moments in the novel that the chaos was so "off-the-rails" that I found it a little too odd. Still, this novel is really an impressive read as it pokes at many of the issues that plague our country, not least of which is knee-jerk patriotism and the constant news cycle. Also enjoyable, was the Bare-Ass Bandit who is Central Park's answer to "V for Vendetta."

I like baseball, and I'm not a fan of weeding, so I'm certainly no Arnold Brinkman, but he certainly does provide for a wealth of possibilities. A very worthwhile book.