A review by moadore
Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts by Susan Cain


We probably all wonder at one point or another what we would do if we could meet our younger selves. If I could meet my 13 year year old me, I would give her this book.

As an adult I'm a proud introvert....but I didn't discover there was a word for it until the summer between high school and university (2008 for anyone not sure of my age). Growing up I had teachers write "she is smart and fully capable, but really should speak up more", a guidance teacher who told me not to become a marketer because that was for confident people (haha), other kids would ask why I was quiet and my extroverted parents would give me into trouble (I'm not exaggerating) if I was invited to something and politely declined (I have a largely great relationship with my parents, but I don't blame my teenage self for throwing a temper tantrum and slamming the bedroom door over that one!). In fact, I would probably go back in time and make the people who surrounded me read this book too...

This book would have taught me (and others) that introverts can confidently discuss things they are passionate about, a restoration break can be as simple as nipping to a bathroom that you know is constantly quiet, perfection isn't a bad thing and that body language can do the talking when you just don't have the words. Most of all it would have taught me that there was nothing was wrong with me and it is society that needs to change. <3